
Page 7 of 11 — showing articles 109 to 126 of 188

Statistics on Indexed Views

Nice View

Multiple reasons to prefer using the NOEXPAND hint on indexed views, even on Enterprise Edition.

Nested Loops Prefetching

Prefetched Knowledge

SQL Server nested loops join internals including ordered and unordered delayed prefetching and undocumented trace flags.

Incorrect Results with Merge Join


A detailed analysis of a SQL Server optimizer bug that causes incorrect results when a descending non-unique index exists on a partitioned table.

Two Partitioning Peculiarities

Peculiar Partitions

Join and group by clauses may need to be written in a specific way to get the best results from the SQL Server query optimizer when using partitioning.

Aggregates and Partitioning

Aggregating and Partitioning

Improving performance for SQL Server MIN and MAX queries on partitioned tables and working around query optimizer limitations.

Optimizer Limitations with Filtered Indexes


SQL Server filtered unique indexes do not provide uniqueness information to the query optimizer. Redundant predicates may be needed to match filtered indexes.

The Problem with Window Functions and Views

A Gloomy Window

The SQL Server query optimizer can fail to push a filter past a windowing function. This article shows how to improve the performance of queries that filter on views with window functions like ROW_NUMBER and RANK.