
Page 4 of 11 — showing articles 55 to 72 of 182

Columnstore Grouped Aggregate Pushdown

Group Pushdown

A deep dive into columnstore grouped aggregation pushdown, showing where this optimization is unsuccessful or not attempted, using the undocumented SQL Server command DBCC CSINDEX.

Row Goals 3: Anti Semi Joins

On Target

An anti join does not automatically come with a 'row goal'. This article describes anti joins and the conditions required for the optimizer to add a row goal.

Row Goals 2: Semi Joins

On Target

When the SQL Server query optimizer adds a row goal for a semi join. How you can spot the effects in showplan and trace flag output.

Reordering Concatenation Operator Inputs

Rugby Union

It makes sense for the optimizer to consider reordering the inputs to a concatenation when less than the full potential result set is needed. Surprisingly, SQL Server does not do this in general.

SQL Server Temporary Object Caching

Caching Squirrels

Deep dive into SQL Server temporary table and variable caching, including common misconceptions and practices that disable this optimization.